Tuesday, November 30, 2010


It's pretty important. And it's the one thing standing in my way right now. Me and the neighbors share a water line. It needs to be capped. Only problem is that the main is UNDER their house. Like, embedded in their concrete floor. So, on Thursday I'll go over with the city's chief engineer to take a look at the situation and figure out what needs to be done. He might (probably will) say that THEY need to replace their water/sewer line as well.

Since I can't really do demo/construction until the water lines are in place, that means more delays.


  1. I hope they are not making you pay for that. I mean.....I don't see how that is your responsibility considering the water company is the supplier and should be obligated to do so.

  2. How did that go? I can just picture it..."Hi, I'm your new neighbor. Don't know how to ask ya' you this....so here it is. We are going to probably have to rip up your basement floor so I can have water next door....Okay, it was swell meeting you. Have a great day."

  3. No, Jesse, I have to pay for it. Jersey city doesn't pay for shit, and the water company pays for less.

    And Glen, since I refuse to say anything bad about the neighbors in print, I will say nothing about the neighbors.
