Friday, January 14, 2011

As for the current neighbors...

My apartment now is in the top floor of a 3-story building. The ground floor is a bar. Bars get loud. I knew that going in. But it's not just loud...

Last Friday at 2 am was the usual caterwauling at closing. I usually wake up and go back to sleep. But it got bad, real bad, real quick. Who knows what caused it, but about eight guys ended up attacking two other guys. One, after getting punched a few times, fell to the ground and curled up in a ball. No matter, because he kept getting kicked and stomped. The other guy was getting slammed so hard his face was all bloody. The bouncer yelled at them to stop but he kept his distance. Can't say I blame him.

I called 911 (those operators are super calm). They sent an ambulance and police, which took about five minutes or so to arrive. In the meantime, the guy curled up was still getting kicked. His pants somehow got pulled down, so he was bare-assed in the snow screaming about a broken leg.

By the time the cops got there, the attackers had fled in their cars. The whole scene was pretty disgusting. It was worse than the fight back in September where the bouncer got attacked and someone kicked the glass door in. This crap isn't even interesting anymore. It's just stupid.


  1. If this were Newark, at least you could Tweet the mayor and let him know. Your mayor's Twitter feed hasn't been updated since 2009.

  2. This must be the video of the fight.

  3. why is my name foundations of geometry?

  4. Foundations...are you a textbook?
